Category: Rendering

  • Toscanauts


    I was working on a project and went through my links, when I found the link to the NASA 3D models again. When I was home, I powered on the good old Blender 3D and imported the MK3 spacesuit. You might wonder what a Toscanaut is: This is what you call users of Tricentis Tosca Testsuite.…

  • Recreating a paper alphabet in blender

    Recreating a paper alphabet in blender

    When I saw Sabeena’s alphabet the first time, I instantly fell in love with the forms and colors. I was wondering if I could recreate the same feeling using Blender. I tried first using only things I can find in Blender and ended up with techno-tourette. So I decided to start up my old friend inkscape…

  • Uberfull Spoon

    uberfull spoon

  • Unlimited area but no volume

    Unlimited area but no volume

    I was always very fond of the Menger sponge. I built my level 4 sponge manually, not by using a recursive script. You can find a Python script for blender here. Here you will find some renders. I started with a simple lighting, did some reflection afterwards and finally changed the material to glass. Finally…