Category: postprocessing

  • Revisiting Fractals

    When playing around with fractals I rediscovered my love to them. Just in case you were wondering: Yes, there has been some postproduction.

  • On averaging(,) wool and the shadow test

    On averaging(,) wool and the shadow test

    Noise is your friend, noise is your enemy. Depends on who you are. For a photographer noise is mostly unwanted. So there are millions of options and tool, how to get rid of noise. The easiest one being reducing your ISO to 200 or lower. This might be OK if you have time and lots…

  • Picture of the moon with the Nifty Fifty

    Picture of the moon with the Nifty Fifty

    There are a lot of pixels on that lovely Sony Nex-7. So many I could crop in the picture. The Nex-7 has 24.3 MPixel on the sensor. The base file was 6000×4000 (24MP) and the final picture was a square crop 2580×2580 (6.7MP). That’s about 28% still left. 

  • A Mercury wallpaper and Parkinson’s law

    A Mercury wallpaper and Parkinson’s law

    Do you know Parkinson’s law? Well, maybe you do not know that you know it. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Sounds familiar? You know what happens if you give a task a certain amount of time. You will use it. Or fill the spare minutes with things you do…

  • A walk in the floodplains of the Danube

    A walk in the floodplains of the Danube

    A nice walk with my dear ones on Saturday also brought some nice pictures of a warm winter in the floodplains of the Danube. At least there were no mosquitos.

  • Wallpaper: “Sunset on Vienna”

    Wallpaper: “Sunset on Vienna”

    Facebook is a bitch. I am one of those people who randomly post their pictures on facebook. And I am one of these people who want their pictures to be seen – I consider them art and not instances of reality. So if somebody asks for a wallpaper I cannot say no. This might explain…

  • Thinking at the end of the year – “Crossroads of choice” wallpaper

    Thinking at the end of the year – “Crossroads of choice” wallpaper

    Sometimes pictures make you think. Especially at the end of the year, where it’s traditionally the time to reflect on the past year and think about what choices you made, which choice you did not take and what you learned. The motive present is always the standing at the crossroads. I wanted to collect some…

  • A quick thought on tools

    A quick thought on tools

    Sometimes the way things look, sound or feel are created by the tools used in the process of creation. I think that most of the people would think on analog tools like the ones a blacksmith uses.

  • Small break in the blue hour

    I took my panosaurus 2.0 for a first ride after the initial setup and tests. I took the opportunity and decided to shoot a small panorama in the blue hour.

  • Lined paper

    Lined paper, a photo by stst31415 on Flickr. I tried to shoot another macro but wanted to use a different light. A bunch of paper was used – you can see the edges and lines of the paper. A white LED was the light source from the left and a laser pointer was used from…