Category: Lifehack

  • Free wallpaper: Failure is not an option

    Free wallpaper: Failure is not an option

    I was looking for the origin of the quote “Failure is not an option.”. You find some interesting sources. I still do not know if the source I found is the right one. I really love the spirit in this quote. And the fact that the origin lies within someone from the Apollo 13 project…

  • How about the full version of the map is not the territory?

    How about the full version of the map is not the territory?

    Most of the time when you hear Alfred Korzybski classic saying you do not hear the full version. Almost all of the time you get the abbreviation.

  • Can something be too simple?

    Can something be too simple?

    We live in a highly complex world. The things we create get also more complex each day. Sometimes we have to simplify our creations. But is there a degree of simplicity which is too much? Maybe a little quote from Einstein could help with the thinking. I used the texture vintage wax from ~TSPStock and if you…

  • The one thing you should know from Sun Tsu

    The one thing you should know from Sun Tsu

    Most people know Sun Tsu (or Sunzi, Sun Tse,…) for his treatise The art of war. Don’t worry. This is not some article on war and tactics. We are going to rip a thought out of Sun‘s book and use it for good in daily life. By discovering the enemy’s dispositions and remaining invisible ourselves,…

  • A Mercury wallpaper and Parkinson’s law

    A Mercury wallpaper and Parkinson’s law

    Do you know Parkinson’s law? Well, maybe you do not know that you know it. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Sounds familiar? You know what happens if you give a task a certain amount of time. You will use it. Or fill the spare minutes with things you do…

  • Thinking at the end of the year – “Crossroads of choice” wallpaper

    Thinking at the end of the year – “Crossroads of choice” wallpaper

    Sometimes pictures make you think. Especially at the end of the year, where it’s traditionally the time to reflect on the past year and think about what choices you made, which choice you did not take and what you learned. The motive present is always the standing at the crossroads. I wanted to collect some…

  • A quick thought on tools

    A quick thought on tools

    Sometimes the way things look, sound or feel are created by the tools used in the process of creation. I think that most of the people would think on analog tools like the ones a blacksmith uses.

  • Learning with imitations and variations

    Learning with imitations and variations

    How can you learn something? There are several ways of course. Let’s take the example of imitation and variation.

  • How to install Magic Lantern in some easy steps

    I had to install Magic Lantern again, because I formatted the card where it ran from. Because people always ask or look for it, I decided to write a short list of things you have to do. And the good thing is: I can look it up too 🙂 Basically the whole Magic Lantern Setup…

  • The virtual dolly – time lapse next gen

    I finally made my proof of concept: By using Blender I made a time lapse video and applied some virtual dolly movement. Meaning, that the camera is moving across the picture. This is possible due to the bigger than full HD video source made from the single picture recorded with the Canon Powershot S95. A…